Martell VSOP Matured In Red Barrels 750ml
Martell eaux de vie is exclusively aged in fine grained oak barrels, in order to enhance subtly the delicate fruity aromas of the spirits, crafted from Martell specific distillation method. When a barrel is called 'Red', a reference to the reddish color of aged wood, it has aged before other eaux de vie during at least 2 years up to 8 years, reaching the perfect stage of maturation for both the wood and the spirit.
For Martell VSOP aged in Red Barrels, the cellar master selected only these very rare 'red fine grained oak barrels' to age this cognac, highlighting Martell's specific ageing style.
A perfect harmony of luscious fruit aromas and refined wood overtones. A warm copper color with glints of gold, giving it a uniquely luminous appearance. At first, the bouquet is round and fresh, run through by intense fruity notes. The aromas of fresh yellow stone fruits, like cherry plum and baby Reine-Claude, are gently coated by stubtle mellowed woody notes. Once in motion, the power of its aromas grows and gains depth, with fleshier fruits such as apricot or vine peach chiming in. In the mouth, it has a full, broad attack and unveils the same intense fruity tones - small plums and honeymoon peaches and apricots. The fruity flavors are marvelously enhanced by delicate notes of sweet spices from the wood of the russet barrels - the very same barrels that create that perfect balance between the expressiveness of the eaux de vie and refinement of the spiced notes. Martell VSOP Aged in Red Barrels - fruitiness, finesse and utter delicacy.